Joomla page

Page break example

Super User 29 أيار 2020 4293 الزيارات

Kus eu laoreet nunc. Tincidunt nulla a Nulla eu convallis scelerisque sociis nulla interdum et. Cursus senectus alique.Ty fames pede elit nibh at risus tempus.

Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Maecenas libero odio, fringilla a elementum nec, iaculis a tortor. Praesent eget tortor leo. Cras bibendum mauris ut metus lacinia cursus. Aenean posuere diam quis quam aliquet nec dignissim orci convallis. Mauris molestie tincidunt convallis. Curabitur vestibulum vehicula erat eget placerat.Donec mattis, sapien id ornare interdum, orci nibh egestas nulla, at consectetur nunc libero eget nunc. Sed dignissim nisl at diam

Kus eu laoreet nunc. Tincidunt nulla a Nulla eu convallis scelerisque sociis nulla interdum et. Cursus senectus alique.Ty fames pede elit nibh at risus tempus.

Splitting a long Article into multiple linked pages

Splitting up long articles into sections is a helpful way of presenting content. Joomla! can be used to split Articles into multiple pages which are linked using Previous and Next page navigation and also a Table of Contents section which is displayed as part of the Article.

  • Enter the Page Title and Table of Contents Alias as required:
    • Page Title: Allows you to enter a sub title for the page displayed after the Article title. If left blank the main Article title will be used.
    • Table of Contents Alias: Used to give a shortened name for the Table of Contents which is displayed as part of multiple page Articles. If left blank the link will be displayed as Page #.
  • Click the Insert Pagebreak button. The screen will close and a horizontal rule will be inserted to show the location of the Pagebreak.
    • To close the Insert Pagebreak screen without inserting a Pagebreak click the X close button.
  • Repeat steps 2-5 for each Pagebreak required.
    • To remove a Pagebreak delete the horizontal rule using the delete or backspace keys.

It is not possible to edit the Page Title and Table of Contents Alias using the content editor once it has been inserted. To modify the Pagebreak you can do one of the following:

  • Delete and re-insert the pagebreak using the process described above.
  • Edit the raw HTML of the Article using the editor and modify the title and alt attributes of the relevant <hr> HTML tag.

Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer posuere erat a ante venenatis dapibus posuere velit aliquet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus. Curabitur luctus tortor non quam gravida ultrices. In erat urna, tincidunt nec pulvinar ac, laoreet ut orci. Duis vestibulum, mi id malesuada pulvinar, arcu nibh facilisis augue, ut accumsan urna orci sagittis justo. Donec ut metus eros.

Nulla at tortor et mauris accumsan adipiscing. Morbi pellentesque, dui ut blandit vehicula, lectus ligula aliquam nulla, sed mollis nunc odio at ipsum. Mauris scelerisque metus a justo facilisis ut semper ligula eleifend. Phasellus non odio nibh. Curabitur at tincidunt neque. Nunc euismod malesuada massa ac luctus. Pellentesque sed bibendum velit. Vivamus dictum pulvinar ipsum, vitae vestibulum eros ornare sit amet. Donec ut felis at sem auctor iaculis. Nullam hendrerit tempus tellus, ut fringilla diam vehicula quis. Nulla facilisi. Morbi at eros et leo pulvinar molestie at rutrum orci.

Praesent commodo cursus magna, vel scelerisque nisl consectetur et. Nullam id dolor id nibh ultricies vehicula ut id elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam volutpat justo sit amet dui sollicitudin eget interdum nibh gravida. Cras nec placerat libero. Cras id risus sem. Maecenas sit amet ligula turpis, malesuada convallis dui. Ut ligula lorem, vestibulum sit amet fringilla lobortis, posuere at odio. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Integer egestas lectus egestas erat convallis et eleifend sapien tempor. Nulla aliquam nisi sed lorem rhoncus ut adipiscing leo semper. Vestibulum sit amet libero ante, a porta augue. Morbi ornare, leo a tristique rutrum, arcu nulla ornare purus, et pharetra tortor lectus at lectus. Cras congue rhoncus eros et facilisis. Maecenas vehicula pretium turpis, in volutpat mauris imperdiet vel. Nulla facilisi. Sed at justo sem, at iaculis ligula. Phasellus ligula tortor, porttitor in imperdiet et, dignissim in metus. Etiam vitae lorem at felis porta auctor. Nullam semper pharetra gravida.


Super User 29 أيار 2020 1989 الزيارات
Got Questions? We’ve Got Answers!

Asunt in anim uis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in anim id est laborum. Allamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Aser velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in anim id est laborum.

  • I do not have a Paypal account. Do you support other payment methods?

    Yes! You can pay through all of payment gateways that Paypal or 2Checkout supports including all major types of Credit cards. Visit Paypal and 2Checkout for more information.
  • How can I join the SmartAddons Club for Products?

    Please try to do steps:

      • Click "Join Now", select the membership package and make your payment via Paypal or 2Checkout. Our "Special Offers" and "Promotions" also come at this page.
      • If your payment is successful, login details to access the Member Download Area will be sent to your email and you can start downloading instantly. This process normally takes less than 5 minutes.
  • Which Joomla! membership package is the best for me?

    You are recommended to register the following packages as they will bring to you the best benefits:

      • Joomla Template Club - Business License
      • Joomla Template Club - Developer License
      • Joomla Extension Club - Business License
      • Joomla Extension Club - Developer License
  • How much does it cost?

    We have many Membership Packages for you to choose. Each package has different prices, durations and number of Supported domain. The membership duration starts instantly from the moment you make payment and receive login details from Visit our Join Now Page to view the various memberships available for the products with details.
  • SmartAddons membership fee is one-time fee, or I have to pay extra?

    When your membership is expired, you can still use all our templates, extensions downloaded during your membership period without paying any extra fee. However, in order to continue downloading our new/update/upgrade templates/extensions or access to Download area, you should renewal your membership.

One More Question?

Asunt in anim uis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in anim id est laborum. Allamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Aser velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in anim id est laborum.

Get in Touch

Join now

Super User 29 أيار 2020 2287 الزيارات

6353+ people were not wrong choosing SmartAddons Club. Get access to all our clubs within 3 minutes.

  • Step 1

    Select the right package
  • Step 2

    Order Info/Payment option
  • Step 3

    Complete & Receive download info

JEC Personal


per 3 month

  • 1 Domains License (?)
  • Access to All Templates (?)
  • Access to All Extensions (?)
  • Source Files (.psd)
  • Copyright Removal (?)
  • Access to AppStore Templates
  • No Discount (?)
  • Support Forum / Ticket

JEC Business


per 6 month

  • 5 Domains License (?)
  • Access to All Templates (?)
  • Access to All Extensions (?)
  • Source Files (.psd)
  • Copyright Removal (?)
  • Access to AppStore Templates
  • No Discount 10% (?)
  • Support Forum / Ticket

JEC Developer


per 1 Year

  • Unlimited Domains License (?)
  • Access to All Templates (?)
  • Access to All Extensions (?)
  • Source Files (.psd)
  • Copyright Removal (?)
  • Access to AppStore Templates
  • No Discount 30% (?)
  • Support Forum / Ticket

JEC Personal


per 3 month

  • 1 Domains Limit (?)
  • Access to All Templates (?)
  • Access to All Extensions (?)
  • No Discount (?)
  • Support Forum / Ticket

JEC Business


per 6 month

  • 5 Domains Limit (?)
  • Access to All Templates (?)
  • Access to All Extensions (?)
  • No Discount 10% (?)
  • Support Forum / Ticket

JEC Developer


per 1 Year

  • Domains Unlimited (?)
  • Access to All Templates (?)
  • Access to All Extensions (?)
  • No Discount 30% (?)
  • Support Forum / Ticket

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently asked questions for our Joomla! Templates Club memberships.

  • What will I get after I join a membership plan?

    1. Template Membership: After you join the club, you will immediately access the download area of the templates. There you should find your favorite template and download it. You will see two parts for each download: The Source Files and The All In One Package. The All In One Package contains all the files that are necessary to install the template on the site: the Template file, the Cloner Installer to make your site exactly like the demo, all the modules, components and plug-ins included in that template and of course the documentation guide. The Source Files package contains the Adobe Photoshop files so that you can easily edit the design part of the template.

    2. Extension Membership: After you join the club, you will immediately access the download area of the extensions. There you should find your favorite extension and download it.

  • What payment methods do you accept?

    We accept PayPal payments, credit cards (major credit cards like Visa, MasterCard, Maestro, American express etc.). The payments are managed by 2CheckOut, one of the most powerful payment gateway systems. They are completely secure as you are the only one who has access to your financial information. You may also pay through bank transfer. Please, contact us for further details regarding the payment methods.
  • What will happen after my membership expires?

    After your membership expires you may continue using the same template/extension you have downloaded and installed on your domain. In fact, you may use the same template/extension for lifetime if you wish. No other payment is required to keep the same template/extension. The payment is a one-time fee. However, you won't be able to have support from SmartAddons after the expiry. Support is given as long as you are an active member.
  • Membership fees are refundable?

    Yes, we have a money back program that refunds completely your payment, if it is asked for it up to 7 days after your subscription day. Although it is a money back program, we will need a valid reason to refund your payment. We can't accept motives like "I didn't notice this product was for Joomla" or "I didn't realize this template doesn't work with Joomla 1.5". Of course, we take our responsibility for any possible problem with our products and will refund your money if we haven't delivered you the promised product.
  • How many templates/extensions am I allowed to download/use?

    The number of the templates/extensions that you may use depends on the membership plan that you have joined. You are free to download as many templates/extensions as you consider appropriate in order to test and check them out, regardless the plan that you chose. However, you may not take advantage of every template/extensions that you have downloaded. The membership plan limits you to a specific number of domains in which you can install the templates/extensions. For Personal Membership this is two, meaning that you can use two domains. For Business Membership and Developer Membership the number is Unlimited, meaning that there is no limit in the number of domains to be created.
  • Can I use the templates/extensions for non commercial and nonprofit sites?

    You may use the templates/extensions for commercial and non commercial purpose. You may use it to create your company's or personal website. If you are a designer or a freelancer, you can use them for your clients. Our templates/extensions have been also used from non profits organizations and institutions, as well as churches. However, you may not use our templates/extensions to create sites which convey to inappropriate content like crime, violence, threatening etc.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam rutrum, tortor vel scelerisque facilisis, ex orci faucibus metus, in laoreet nisl odio sed mauris. Suspendisse rhoncus fermentum leo, eget eleifend nibh lacinia in. Aliquam nisi ex, pellentesque eget augue vel, luctus semper orci. Sed a justo ipsum

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