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Welcome to SJ Plus

The all new, modern and flexible framework from SmartAddOns

Our Templates Download

Kril penectus

Suspendisse at libero porttitor nisi aliquet vulputate vitae at velit. Aliquam eget arcu magna, vel congue dui. Nunc

Ruci tenna mes

Suspendisse at libero porttitor nisi aliquet vulputate vitae at velit. Aliquam eget arcu magna, vel congue dui. Nunc

Misociis nulla

Suspendisse at libero porttitor nisi aliquet vulputate vitae at velit. Aliquam eget arcu magna, vel congue dui. Aenean

Dapo sace bazun

Suspendisse at libero porttitor nisi aliquet vulputate vitae at velit. Aliquam eget arcu magna, vel congue dui. Nunc

Social Buttons

Ex: element type="facebook" then name of icons is "fa-facebook".

You can find the full examples of usage at Font Awesome - Font Awesome 4.0.3

[social type="facebook"]    PLACE_LINK_HERE [/social]
[social type="twitter"] PLACE_LINK_HERE [/social]
[social type="google-plus"]      PLACE_LINK_HERE [/social]
[social type="pinterest"]       PLACE_LINK_HERE [/social]
[social type="dribbble"]    PLACE_LINK_HERE [/social]

[social type="flickr" title="ADD_TITLE_HERE" ]  PLACE_LINK_HERE [/social]
[social type="linkedin" title="ADD_TITLE_HERE" ]     PLACE_LINK_HERE [/social]
[social type="rss" title="ADD_TITLE_HERE" ]      PLACE_LINK_HERE [/social]
[social type="skype" title="ADD_TITLE_HERE" ]    PLACE_LINK_HERE [/social]
[social type="youtube" title="ADD_TITLE_HERE" ] PLACE_LINK_HERE [/social]

[social type="facebook" style="min"]    PLACE_LINK_HERE [/social]
[social type="twitter" style="min"] PLACE_LINK_HERE [/social]
[social type="facebook" style="cicle"]    PLACE_LINK_HERE [/social]
[social type="twitter" style="cicle"] PLACE_LINK_HERE [/social]
[social type="facebook" style="flat" color="Yes"]    PLACE_LINK_HERE [/social]
[social type="twitter" style="flat" color="Yes"] PLACE_LINK_HERE [/social]
[social type="facebook" style="cicle" color="Yes"]    PLACE_LINK_HERE [/social]
[social type="twitter" style="cicle" color="Yes"] PLACE_LINK_HERE [/social]
[social type="facebook" title="Facebook" color="Yes"]       PLACE_LINK_HERE [/social]
[social type="twitter" title="Twitter" color="Yes"]     PLACE_LINK_HERE [/social]
[social type="google-plus" title="Google" color="Yes"]           PLACE_LINK_HERE [/social]
[social type="pinterest" title="Pinit" color="Yes"]             PLACE_LINK_HERE [/social]
[social type="facebook" size="small" color="Yes"]       PLACE_LINK_HERE [/social]
[social type="facebook" size="default"  color="Yes"]    PLACE_LINK_HERE [/social]
[social type="facebook" size="large" color="Yes"]       PLACE_LINK_HERE [/social]

[social type="twitter" size="small"  color="Yes"]   PLACE_LINK_HERE [/social]
[social type="twitter" size="default"  color="Yes"] PLACE_LINK_HERE [/social]
[social type="twitter" size="large"  color="Yes"]   PLACE_LINK_HERE [/social]

[social type="pinterest" size="small" color="Yes"]          PLACE_LINK_HERE [/social]
[social type="pinterest" size="default" color="Yes"]        PLACE_LINK_HERE [/social]
[social type="pinterest" size="large" color="Yes"]          PLACE_LINK_HERE [/social]


With our 4 different style Lightbox : img-rounded, img-circle, img-thumbnail, shadow and borderInner. effects.
<lightbox src='IMAGE_SRC' width="224" height="190" title="IMAGE_TITLE" align="left" >
<lightbox src='IMAGE_SRC' width="224" height="190" title="IMAGE_TITLE" align="left" style="img-rounded" >
<lightbox src='IMAGE_SRC' width="224" height="190" title="IMAGE_TITLE" align="left" style="img-circle" >

<lightbox src='IMAGE_SRC' width="224" height="190" title="IMAGE_TITLE" align="left" style="img-thumbnail" >
<lightbox src='IMAGE_SRC' width="224" height="190" title="IMAGE_TITLE" align="left" style="borderInner">
<lightbox src='IMAGE_SRC' width="224" height="190" title="IMAGE_TITLE" align="left" style="shadow">

Nulla ac convallis ipsum

Nulla ac convallis ipsum. Nulla tellus erat, dapibus in auctor quis, aliquet a magna. Ut tortor nisl; pellentesque a rhoncus non, semper a quam. Sed aliquet libero at lorem ornare auctor ornare est condimentum.

Morbi pulvinar nibh egestas massa venenatis sed condimentum turpis suscipit. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Quisque quis odio a odio porttitor mattis! Donec id elit nec massa ornare dictum.

[lightbox src='IMAGE_SRC'  width="200" height="200" lightbox="on" align="left" title="IMAGE_TITLE"] 

Nulla ac convallis ipsum

Nulla ac convallis ipsum. Nulla tellus erat, dapibus in auctor quis, aliquet a magna. Ut tortor nisl; pellentesque a rhoncus non, semper a quam. Sed aliquet libero at lorem ornare auctor ornare est condimentum.

Morbi pulvinar nibh egestas massa venenatis sed condimentum turpis suscipit. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Quisque quis odio a odio porttitor mattis! Donec id elit nec massa ornare dictum.

[lightbox src='IMAGE_SRC'  width="200" height="200" lightbox="on" align="right" title="IMAGE_TITLE"] 

Unique & Creative Design

Our design is powerfully useful. You can easily use one design for various purposes. It's flexible architecture allows you to build complex templates in no time. Extending your web design cannot be faster.ipsum

Unique & Creative Design

Go go to themes and select Customize and you can add your own logo, background and then select the colors used everywhere in the theme. It’s so simple and powerful. You can literally change the entire

Unique & Creative Design

Designing and organizing your posts has never been easier. With our large collection of shortcodes, you can create beautiful and complex layouts with ease. This will greatly improve the functionality and variety