“Duis aliquam, magna ac fermentum are finibus, orci viverra risus, non into varius tellus tortor sed eros. Sed pharetra ante sit amet suscipit ornare.”
Jack andrson
“Duis aliquam, magna ac fermentum are finibus, orci viverra risus, non into varius tellus tortor sed eros. Sed pharetra ante sit amet suscipit ornare.”
Jack andrson
“Duis aliquam, magna ac fermentum are finibus, orci viverra risus, non into varius tellus tortor sed eros. Sed pharetra ante sit amet suscipit ornare.”
Jack andrson
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.
Special positions are: stickyPanel, stickyBar, You can use them for any module type. For using this, please go to Module Manager and config your module to your desired position.
You can control module by:
Go to Administrator » Template Manager » Your_Template » Tab: Tools utilities » Use Sticky SlidePanel (no/left/right)
Go to Administrator » Module magager » Your_Module(by postion: stickyPanel)
For customize module in special position
The solution is using Module Class Suffix. You can customize button, module content follow Module Class Suffix
E.g. Module Class Suffix: @bullhorn then: - Class of button is 'fa-bullhorn'. If without @... the default is 'fa-pushpin'