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Choose from over 570 Google Font’s to emphasize your Taglines

comes with over 500 Google web fonts you can pick for all your headings, navigation, titles, topbar, body, twitterbar, breadcrumbs text. Simply go to the Theme Options Panel, under the styling options, and select the fonts that suit you best. You won’t be disappointed with the selection of fonts.

Google Font Directory

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit

[googlefont font-family="FONT_NAME" size="24" color="#4960B2" align="left" font_weight="400"  margin="1em 0 1em 0"] ADD_CONTENT_HERE [/googlefont]
[googlefont font-family="FONT_NAME" size="20" color="#506FC4" align="left" font_weight="400"  margin="1em 0 1em 0"] ADD_CONTENT_HERE [/googlefont]
[googlefont font-family="FONT_NAME" size="18" color="#5781D6" align="left" font_weight="400"  margin="1em 0 1em 0"] ADD_CONTENT_HERE [/googlefont]
[googlefont font-family="FONT_NAME" size="14" color="#6099EA" align="left" font_weight="400"  margin="1em 0 1em 0"] ADD_CONTENT_HERE [/googlefont]

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Template Settings


For each color, the params below will be given default values
Yellow Green Gem Oranges Purple Pink


Background Color
Text Color
Select menu
Google Font
Body Font-size
Body Font-family
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