- Friday, 22 February 2013
The complete set of 361 icons in Font Awesome 3.2.1. The Font Awesome webfont, CSS, and LESS files are licensed under CC BY 3.0 and you can find the full examples of usage at Font Awesome - Font Awesome - http://fortawesome.github.io/Font-Awesome/icons/
Add name=ICON_NAME
to any element, best used with a [icon]
- [icon name="ambulance" size="54" ]
- [icon name="thumbs-up" size="54" ]
- [icon name="css3" size="54" ]
- [icon name="html5" size="54" ]
- [icon name="rocket" size="54" ]
- [icon name="user" align="none" size="100" color="#fff"]
- [icon name="mobile-phone" align="none" size="100" color="#fff"]
- [icon name="globe" align="none" size="100" color="#fff"]